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Biological indents

Incidents where biological substances have been used offensively are relatively rare. In most cases, suspected attacks turn out to be hoaxes or accidental incidents. However, historically there have been a number of examples of weaponisation and application of biological substances. Below is a list of selected historical examples to illustrate the span of incidents:

Year      Geography  Responsible  Agent  Goal and application  Effect
1763 Fort Pitt (today Pittsburg in the USA) British army Smallpox  Attack on Indians using contaminated blankets  Possibly an outbreak of smallpox among native Americans(1)
1914-1918 USA, Argentina, Romania, Norway, Spain  Germany  Anthrax, Glanders Horses and mules being shipped to the Entente Powers were infected with anthrax or glanders Unknown numbers of dead horses and mules(2)
1928-1992 Soviet Union Communist regime Anthrax, Smallpox, Marburg, Plague, Typhoid Offensive biological programme Several accidents, including: Aralsk (1971)(3), Sverdlovsk (1979)(4)
1937-1945 China Japan   Plague, Anthrax, Cholera, Typhoid Brutal human experiments on civilians. Contamination of water supply and airstrikes on cities Hundreds of thousands died or became severely ill(5)
1940-1944 Poland, Germany Polish home army ZWZ-AK Typhoid, Anthrax, Dysentery, Glanders, Rabies, Cholera, Botulism, Staphylococcus aureus Primary German troops, Nazi, SS and Gestapo, but also German civilians According to Polish sources several thousand cases of deaths and severe illness. German numbers are much lower(6)
1941-1944 Soviet Union (Ukraine and Belarus) Soviet partisans and special forces Typhoid and Aconitine Primary German occupation troops and Soviet collaborators At least 100 died in Slavuta in Ukraine in 1942(7)
1975-1980 Rhodesia Government forces Cholera, Botulinum toxin, anthrax Eliminate communist insurgency movement 171,990 cattle and 17,199 human cases of anthrax infection. 200 humans died from anthrax(8)
1981-93  South Africa The South African Apartheid regime Anthrax, Plague, Cholera, Botulinum toxin, Ricin Anthrax was used for individual assassinations, and cholerae for contaminating water supplies in Namibia Unknown number of fatalities and cases of illness among people(9)
1985-91 Iraq Saddam Hussein’s dictatorship Anthrax, Botulinum toxin, Ricin, Aflatoxin, Perfrigens toxin  Offensive programme    No known cases were such weapons were used(11)
1984 Dalles, OR, USA Religious sect  Salmonella Food contamination (salad bars) 751 persons food poisoned(10)
1990-1995 Tokyo Aum Shinrikyo Anthrax (Non-pathogenic strain), Botulinum  Aerosol dissemination in Tokyo  No reported fatalities and probably no cases of illness(12)
1996 Dallas , TX, USA   Shigella Food contamination (doughnuts) 12 food poisoned(13)
 2001 USA   Anthrax Anthrax letters sent to news agencies and senators via US Postal Service 22 cases of illness and 5 deaths(14)
2018 Germany Islamic State Ricin Attempt to build cluster bomb to disseminate ricin German police arrested the terrorists(15). According to German sources, the bomb could have killed more than 100 people(16)
2019 Tunisia Islamic State? Anthrax Letters send to journalists, activists and politicians The letters were intercepted before they reached their intended victims(17)
2019 China Criminal gangs African swine fever virus  Drones were used to drop pork products contaminated with the virus on pig farms Unknown, but presumably the attacks worsened an already existing outbreak of the virus in Chinese pig farms(18)
2024 Belgium Unknown Brucine Letters send to government buildings The letters were intercepted before they reached their intended victims (19)

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  1. W. Seth Carus: "A Short History of Biological Warfare: From Pre-History to the 21st Century". CSWMD Occasional Paper 12. Page 7-9.
  2. Mark Wheelis: "Biological sabotage in World War I". Chapter in "Biological and Toxin Weapons". Editor Erhard Geissler and John Ellis van Courtland Moon. Oxford University Press, 2003. Page 35-62.
  3. Kristian Hveysel Bork: "Aralsk ’71 hændelsen". 2003.
  4. Kristian Hveysel Bork: "Sverdlovsk ulykken". 2003.
  5. Jeanne Guillemin: "Crossing the Normative Barrier: Japan's Biological Warfare in China in World War II". Chapter in "Biological Threats in the 21st Century". Editor Filippa Lentzos. Imperial College Press, 2016. Page 17-40.
  6. Robert Petersen: ”When a nation is being murdered” – The secret biological and chemical war against the Third Reich". Zeszyty Naukowe AON no. 2 (103), 2016.
  7. Alexander Gogun: "Stalin’s Commandos". I. B. Tauris, 2016. Page 134-135, 140-146.
  8. James M. Wilson, Walter Brediger, Tom Albright & Julie Smith-Gagen: "Reanalysis of the Anthrax Epidemic in Rhodesia, 1978-84". BioRxiv, May 17, 2016.
  9. Alistair Hair: "The South African Biological Warfare Program". Chapter in "Biological Threats in the 21st Century". Editor Filippa Lentzos. Imperial College Press, 2016. Page 137-158.
  10. W. Seth Carus: "A Short History of Biological Warfare: From Pre-History to the 21st Century". CSWMD Occasional Paper 12. Page 42.
  11. Tim Trevan: "The Iraqi Biological Warfare Program". Chapter in "Biological Threats in the 21st Century". Editor Filippa Lentzos. Imperial College Press, 2016. Page 113-129.
  12. Richard Danzig, Marc Sageman, Terrance Leighton, Lloyd Hough, Hidemi Yuki, Rui Kotani & Zachary M. Hosford: "Aum Shinrikyo - Insights Into How Terrorists Develop Biological and Chemical Weapons". Center for a New American Security, December 2012.
  13. Shellie A. Kolavic, Akiko Kimura, Shauna L. Simons; Laurence Slutsker, Suzanne Barth & Charles E. Haley: "Outbreak of Shigella dysenteriae Type 2 Among Laboratory Workers Due to Intentional Food Contamination". Journal of American Medical Association, Volume 278 Issue 5, August 6, 1997. Page 396-398.
  14. Jeanne Guillemin: "American Anthrax: Fear, Crime, and the Investigation of the Nation's Deadliest Bioterror Attack". Times Books, 2011.
  15. CBB: "Islamisk Stat og brug af ricin til terror". Notat. April 12, 2019.
  16. Clemens Schminke: "Terroranschlag geplant Gericht fällt Urteil im Rizin-Bomber-Prozess". Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger. March 2, 2020.
  17. "Anthrax toxin letters – Tunesia: (Tunis) Human targets, suspected, request for information". ProMED, March 4, 2019.
  18. Liu Zhen: "Chinese criminal gangs spreading African swine fever to force farmers to sell pigs cheaply so they can profit". South China Morning Post. December 14, 2019. & Min Zhang, Tom Daly: "Commercial pig farm in China jams drone signal to combat swine fever crooks". Reuters. December 20, 2019.
  19. Claudia Chiappa: "Toxic powder found at government buildings in Brussels". Politico. February 16, 2024